Be Aggressive! B-E Aggressive! LOLs have taken on all kinds of sports within series (basketball, golf, and football to name a few) but now we get an entire series devoted to cheerleading. These cute cheer team LOL dolls are part of the All-Star B.B. series 2. Series 1 was based on baseball. Since there are so many sports, we hope that there will be many more sports-themed series to come.
Here’s our parents’ guide to the Cheer Team All-Star B.B. series 2. UPDATE: We have seen these dolls on Amazon for as low as $6.50 (yes!), so check the price now.
1. What are All-Star B.B. Series 2 dolls?
All-Star B.B. series 2 are cheerleading-themed LOL dolls. They are all-stars because they are fan-favorite LOL dolls that were originally released in other series. B.B. is LOL-speak for baby.
The new versions of the dolls are on cheer teams in coordinating outfits with glitter all over. Only 3 of the 12 have been re-released as part of another series before.
Series 2 has a couple of surprises that, we think, make it better than series 1. Read on for the details.
2. The All-Star B.B. series 2 ball is white with pink or blue polka dots.
The outside of the ball is fairly standard for LOL dolls. However, inside your little may find gold, bronze, or silver balls.
Image: Amazon
3. The blue-ish ball features Sis Cheer, while the red-ish ball features Cheer Captain.
The blue ball for series 2 features Sis Cheer, the cutie with the big blue bow shown above. She wears a cool blue jersey and a big blue hair bow. Cheer Captain in a red skirt and pigtails is shown on the red ball.
Why is this important?
If your little one is hoping to get a certain doll, your only chance is to buy the correct team. Keep in mind, that if you buy the doll on Amazon, you do not get to choose which team your little one will get (red or blue ball).
Knowing which dolls are on which products also helps you avoid FAKE LOL doll toys that will have a similar look with different dolls.
4. There are 8 surprises for cheerleading LOL dolls.
Image: Amazon
We have been totally spoiled by mega LOL doll balls and gift toys. This series is taking it back to basics with only 8 surprises. Accessories vary by doll, and one of them has a cool surprise…
Surprises now come in environmental-friendly packaging, so the unboxing will be a little different from what your little one is used to.
Keep this ball because it turns into a trophy cup, in addition to being a doll stand.
5. There are a couple of changes in this series.
There are two cool things about the surprises in this series that have even changed since series 1. First, dolls come with a trading card rather than the water surprise sticker. Second, this trading card can be put on the back of the ball, which now has a slit for placement, to make the card a backdrop. I guess even these B.B.s want to be Instagram worthy.
6. The letters on the pom poms…
Spell out LOL Surprise when you put all the cheerleaders from the same team together. These guys thought of everything!
7. There are 12 cheerleading LOL tots on two different teams.
Just like sports teams, even cheerleading squads face off against each other! The read team is called the Varsity Pups, while the blue team is the Cheer Cats. Each squad has a team captain, who is the rare doll. There is also a team mascot…but more on this later.
Image: Amazon
Here are their names from left to right and back to front in the family photo. We’ve also included their teams and original series.
Varsity Pups
Thrilla from series 4
Sis Swing from series 1
Shapes from series 3
Cheer Captain from series 1
Bling Queen from series 4 (team captain)
Curious Q.T. from series 2 (team mascot. this doll was also released as part of the Glam Gitter series)
Cheer Cats
Line Dancer from series 1
Honey Bun from series 2 (this doll was also released as part of the Bling series)
Sis Cheer from series 4
Kitty Queen from series 2 (team captain, this doll was also released as part of the Glam Gitter series)
If there’s a sports team, there’s a team mascot. For the All-Star B.B. Series 2, each squad includes one doll that is the mascot and the ultra-rare doll. Your little one has found the team mascot if she gets Curious Q.T. or Daring Diva.
Mascots come with an extra surprise…
A head that matches the team! Here’s what it looks like:
Image: Amazon
The head will snap in front and behind the doll’s head so that she looks like a giant dancing kitty or puppy.
Kids who find the mascot get 2 extra blind bags, one for each part of the head.
Is your little one desperate to find the mascot?
There is a weight hack. See how well it will work for you. Because the mascot ball has 2 extra surprises, it is slightly heavier than a regular ball in the same series. If you buy them in the store, you can put one ball in each hand a try to see if one is heavier.
Buying on Amazon? You won’t be able to use the weight hack…But the price is so much cheaper than in-store that you can buy 2. This will increase your chances of getting a mascot.
9. There are no boys in this series.
If your little one doesn’t know about the differences between boys and girls yet, then this series is for you. There are no boys in the series, so there will be no surprises during the unboxing.
10. There are no lil sisters on the current version of the All-Star B.B.s series 2 tots poster.
Cheerleading LOL dolls that are available right now don’t have lil sisters as part of their wave on the collector poster.
Perhaps they will come in a Lils series like in some of the other series.
On the off chance that your little one doesn’t like soccer or cheerleading…
Try baseball! Series 1 of the All-Star B.B.s is still out and it’s all about baseball. Adorable bats, balls, helmets, and outfits make this series sparkle (and the glitter, of course). Batter up!
Image: Amazon
All-Star B.B. Series 2 Cheer Team Release Date
Tots are already out! The series was released in September 2020.
As of December 2020, the retail price for tots dolls is $9.99. However, we have seen them for sale for as low as $6.50.Check the price now on Amazon.
Where to Buy All-Star B.B. Series 2 Cheer Team Dolls
We’ve outlined our favorite places to buy online and in stores. If you’re outside the US, we’ve provided a couple of suggestions as well.
Where to Buy Cheerleading LOL Dolls Online
Image: Amazon
ALWAYS check to see if you can buy an LOL series online BEFORE braving traffic, wasting gas, and traveling from store to store. Our favorite place to buy is Amazon, of course. Here’s why:
Fast, free shipping
Competitive prices
Improvements to fight counterfeiting
If you are going to buy on Amazon, keep in mind that Amazon only guarantees products that they sell, so you should look for LOL products that are shipped and sold by Amazon. Listings are often consolidated, so only take the counterfeit comments seriously if NOT sold by Amazon.
You can also buy Cheerleading LOL dolls on and Keep in mind that does allow third-party sellers on its site. Be sure to look for the seller’s information to make sure you are buying it from Walmart directly. Third-party sellers may sell counterfeit products and usually have higher than retail prices.
Can’t find Cheerleading LOL dolls on Amazon, Walmart, or Target website?
Try these online retailers instead. A lot of people don’t think about them when shopping for LOL products online, so they may have stock.
Barnes and Noble
Best Buy
Virgin Megastore
Where to Buy All-Star B.B. Series 2 Cheer Team Dolls in Stores
Image: Amazon
If you EVER see it in stores, buy it! It won’t be there when you come back. In fact, buy two. You can always give one away or sell it on the many LOL doll Facebook groups.
You probably know all the typical retailers that sell LOL dolls. Here are some stores you might not have thought about:
Virgin Megastore
Cracker Barrel
If you want to try Walmart or Target, be sure to check online FIRST. You will be able to see if the series is in stores near you using the in-store pickup search option. Read our complete guide on how to do this on You can even order it online to be picked up in-store when you do your weekly shopping.
Where to Buy Outside of the US
In the UK and Europe, try these retailers (online FIRST then in-store):
Smyth’s Toys
The Toy Shop
You can also try your country’s version of Amazon. You should be automatically redirected if you go to
Cheerleading LOL dolls not sold in your country? If your little one has her heart set on getting this series, you can order it on any site and have it sent to your country using Shop & Ship. You’ll have to pay extra for shipping from your Shop & Ship address to your home address, but you can get free shipping to the SS address with Amazon. You should also get faster shipping than if you ordered internationally directly from Amazon.
Now that you know all that, let’s introduce the dolls!