The best thing coming out of LOL Surprise! world in a long time is here: Boys Arcade Heroes Action Figure dolls!
Retro-inspired…superhero suits…arcade game box…surprise girl…
So much to get excited about!
The best thing about this boy series? Boys can get involved with the world of LOL Surprise! with dolls for them. Of course…there will be some angry parents so, check out this parents’ guide to the new LOL boys so you can know BEFORE you buy. But wait! Check the price of LOL Surprise Boys Arcade Heroes Action Figures on Amazon.
1. The LOL boys are anatomically correct!
This is absolutely the first thing you must know about all LOL boy tots dolls…
They have a frank and beans.
Yes, these dolls are anatomically correct. AND it’s obvious.
Therefore, this series may not be appropriate for everyone.
Your little girl will see the male parts and definitely ask questions about them, so if you aren’t ready for the “boys are different from girls” talk, avoid the LOL boys.
However, if your little one has a brother (or even close boy cousins) so has probably already figured this out but never mentioned it. Might be worth asking her what she knows…
2. The surprise ball packaging is an arcade game!
This is absolutely the coolest LOL doll box ever. We love the retro gamer arcade styling of the box. There’s even a little joystick that moves.
3. The box features Fan Boy on the top.
There are A LOT of fake LOL boys out there, so it’s important to know the packaging of the real series. An authentic box will feature Fan Boy, the doll shown below.
Why is this important?
Knowing which dolls are on which products also helps you avoid FAKE LOL doll toys that will have a similar look with different dolls.
4. The doll on the package is the doll inside.
That’s right!
Unlike many other LOL dolls and toys, the doll on the package is the one that’s inside. Look at the bottom of the arcade box. The one above is a Bhaddie box since he is shown on the bottom. You need to pay close attention to the doll you’re buying (if in-store) to ensure you get the one your little one wants. After all, she may not check the picture on the package until AFTER she has unwrapped it, then good luck returning it to the store.
Keep in mind, that if you buy the doll on Amazon, you do not get to choose which one your little one will get.
4. The unboxing is different!
The unboxing for this series is super on theme. The box is just an outside peel. When you remove it, your little one will get a plastic arcade that she can use again and again. There’s even a game token to open it!
There’s only one blind bag for this Arcade Heroes, and it includes the token. It will be attached to the inside of the box you peel off.
The action figure inside comes fully dressed in the hero suit, so there are no more blind bags to open. The bottle and a few other surprises are connected to the top inside of the arcade game.
Use the instructions to open everything or your little one will break it apart!
5. There are 15 surprises for Boys Arcade Heroes.
Boys Arcade Heroes is the first boy series to have more than 7 surprises. You get a whopping 15 surprises with this toy because there’s an action figure suit as well.
- Trading card
- Bottle
- Accessory
- Undies (Why? we don’t know…)
- Token (like for a video game)
- Outfit
- Shoes
- Doll
- Arcade box
- – 15. 6 piece hero suit
Check the price of LOL Surprise Boys Arcade Heroes on Amazon.
6. There are 6 tots dolls in the series.
Yes, there are 6 cuties to enjoy. Here are their names from left to right and back to front in the family photo.
- Gear Guy
- V.R. Dude
- Bhaddie Bro
- Cool Cat
- Infiniti Queen
- Fan Boy
Check the price of LOL Surprise Boys Arcade Heroes on Amazon.
7. There’s a girl!
You read the names above right…
There’s a girl in this boy series and her name is Infiniti Queen!

Her action figure is Starling and she’s ultra-rare. We love the power and beauty! Hopefully, there will be a whole series of superhero girls to come out because Infiniti Queen is a doll few little ones will get.
Infiniti Queen is the only Arcade Hero to come in a purple box. If you see an all purple box with her at the bottom, you’ve found Infiniti Queen!
Keep in mind, that if you buy the doll on Amazon, you do not get to choose which one your little one will get.
8. The boys are the brothers of LOL tots dolls.
Always trying to make big happy families, MGA Entertainment (the makers of LOL dolls) has put each of the boys in a family with existing dolls. These doll families from a range of series, but the brother and sister are always in the same club.
Each boy has been styled and named to coordinate with his girl tot sister. Here are the pairings:
- Gear Guy = brother of Can Do Baby from series 3
- V.R. Dude = brother of V.R.Q.T. from series 3
- Bhaddie Bro = brother of Bhaddie from Makeover Series 5
- Cool Cat = brother of Baby Cat from series 1
- Fan Boy = brother of Fanime from series 2
9. There are no lil brothers or sisters for this series.
Just to clarify, the lil brothers and lil sisters are part of other series–not specifically the LOL boy series.
For example, Cool Cat’s little sister, Lil Baby Cat, was actually released in Series 2.
So why is this important?
Because your little one is HIGHLY UNLIKELY to be able to create a complete family unless you buy lots (and we mean lots) of dolls. It’s better to focus her or his attention on getting cool dolls to play with, not being uber-collectors.
10. Each dolls has 1 of 2 water surprises.
Your little one’s boy LOL doll will either color change or spit.
We think the undies may have been the reason why these dolls don’t tinkle like other series.
There is only one version of each doll, so (hopefully) your doll will do what’s on the collector poster. If not, the doll has a manufacturer’s defect but MGA Entertainment does not send replacement dolls for this.
Boys Arcade Heroes Action Figures Release Date
Tots are already out! The series was released in June 2020.
Check the price on Amazon now.
How Much Do LOL Boys Arcade Action Heroes Cost?
The retail price of the series is $14.88. We think this is an absolute STEAL for all the thought that went into this toy, all the surprises, and all the fun your little one will have playing with it. Check Amazonand get it sent straight to you…
With FREE returns!
If you buy LOL dolls in the store and there are manufacturer’s defects, the stores will not take the doll back. But Amazon will!
Where to Buy Boys Arcade Action Heroes Series

ALWAYS check to see if you can buy an LOL series online BEFORE braving traffic, wasting gas, and traveling from store to store. Our favorite place to buy is Amazon, of course. Here’s why:
- Fast, free shipping
- Competitive prices
- Improvements to fight counterfeiting
If you are going to buy on Amazon, keep in mind that Amazon only guarantees products that they sell, so you should look for LOL products that are shipped and sold by Amazon. Listings are often consolidated, so only take the counterfeit comments seriously if NOT sold by Amazon.
Where to Buy LOL Surprise Boy Series Outside of the US
Outside of the US? Try your country’s version of Amazon. You should be automatically redirected if you go to
LOL boys not sold in your country? If your little one has her heart set on getting this series, you can order it on any site and have it sent to your country using Shop & Ship. You’ll have to pay extra for shipping from your Shop & Ship address to your home address, but you can get free shipping to the SS address with Amazon. You should also get faster shipping than if you ordered internationally directly from Amazon.
Boys Arcade Heroes Action Figures Collector Poster
Here’s the official collector’s poster for the series. You can download it from the main L.O.L. Surprise site.
Boys Arcade Heroes Action Figures Family Photo
Check out all 6 LOL action figures in this family photo!

Boys Arcade Heroes Action Figures Unboxing Videos
Want more of this series? Check out some unboxing videos from our favorite Youtubers.
Check the price of LOL Surprise Boys Arcade Heroes Action Figures on Amazon.
Can’t Find the Boys Heroes Action Figures…Try These Instead!
If you can’t find the Boys Arcade Heroes Action Figure dolls but your little one desperately wants a boy doll, try these options: